JSlider class:
JSlider is used to create the slider. By using JSlider a user can select a
value from a specific range.
used Constructors of JSlider class:
- JSlider(): creates a slider with the initial
value of 50 and range of 0 to 100.
- JSlider(int
orientation): creates a
slider with the specified orientation set by either JSlider.HORIZONTAL or
JSlider.VERTICAL with the range 0 to 100 and initial value 50.
- JSlider(int
min, int max): creates a
horizontal slider using the given min and max.
- JSlider(int
min, int max, int value): creates a horizontal slider using the
given min, max and value.
- JSlider(int
orientation, int min, int max, int value): creates a slider using the given
orientation, min, max and value.
used Methods of JSlider class:
1) public void
setMinorTickSpacing(int n): is
used to set the minor tick spacing to the slider.
2) public void
setMajorTickSpacing(int n): is
used to set the major tick spacing to the slider.
3) public void
setPaintTicks(boolean b): is
used to determine whether tick marks are painted.
4) public void
setPaintLabels(boolean b): is
used to determine whether labels are painted.
5) public void
setPaintTracks(boolean b): is
used to determine whether track is painted.
example of JSlider class:
1. import javax.swing.*;
3. public class SliderExample1 extends JFrame{
5. public SliderExample1() {
6. JSlider slider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 50, 25);
7. JPanel panel=new JPanel();
8. panel.add(slider);
10. add(panel);
11. }
13. public static void main(String s[]) {
14. SliderExample1 frame=new SliderExample1();
15. frame.pack();
16. frame.setVisible(true);
17. }
18. }
of JSlider class that paints ticks:
1. import javax.swing.*;
3. public class SliderExample extends JFrame{
5. public SliderExample() {
7. JSlider slider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 50, 25);
8. slider.setMinorTickSpacing(2);
9. slider.setMajorTickSpacing(10);
11. slider.setPaintTicks(true);
12. slider.setPaintLabels(true);
14. JPanel panel=new JPanel();
15. panel.add(slider);
16. add(panel);
17. }
19. public static void main(String s[]) {
20. SliderExample frame=new SliderExample();
21. frame.pack();
22. frame.setVisible(true);
24. }
25. }
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