Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Spring - Session-1

Spring - Session-1
Video Link https://youtu.be/3oJ_gAbgDcs
About Spring Framework:

Developer: "developed by Rod Johnson in 2003"

Org: Spring Organization

Initial Name: Interface 21

Some Important Points About Spring Framework:
1. Spring is a lightweight framework (using Runtime Polyporphism, HAS-A).

It is main alternative of EJB Application which is Heavy Weight and Application Server Dependent.

2. Main advantages of Spring frameword is it provides "Loosly Coupled" approach - while
EJB provides "Tightly Coupled" which is NOT much suitable for programming.


Spring Module/Containers
1. IoC (Inversion of Controlling) Module, contains the following:
1. Core Container - Interface name is: BeanFactory ------XmlBeanFactory (Implementation class)
2. J2EE Container - Interface name is: ApplicationContext ------ConfigurableApplicationContext(Child Interface)----ClassPathXmlApplicationContext (Implementation class)

The main job of container is : reads the data from xml file and pass to POJO class.

2. MVC Module, contains the following:
1. Web Container - Interface name is: WebApplicationContext  --- WebApplicationContextUtil (Implementation class). It is a Factory class like DriverManager class.

IoC Container:
Same like ServletContainer It performs the following operations:
1. Read xml file
2. create instances of xml POJO
3. It will manage the life cycle of POJO
4. Dynamic parameter supply to POJO - this concept is known as dependency injection

How to start these Container or classes like tomcat container:
Main class or Driver class - that will drive/start the whole application, like:
class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
new XmlBeanFactory();// to start core container
new ClasspathXmlApplicationContext();//to start j2ee container
new WebApplicationContextUtil();// to start web container

First Spring Application:

We need the following components:
1. POJO class
2. xml file
3. Driver/Main class

Let's start from POJO class:
public class Helloworld {
public void sayHello() {
System.out.println("Hello world Spring Application");

spring.xml - file

<bean id="hw" class="beans.HelloWorld"/>

NOte: Resource r = new ClassPathResource("resources/spring.xml");//It is like File class in IO.
It is used to load the xml file.

Main/Driver class
package test;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;

import beans.HelloWorld;

public class Client2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
//find and load xml file
//eager loading - pre
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("resources/spring.xml");

Object ob1=context.getBean("hw");
Object ob2=context.getBean("hw");
Object ob3=context.getBean("hw");
Object ob4=context.getBean("hw");




1. Eclipse
2. MyEclipse
3. STS
4. NetBeans
5. RAD

scope of Object/POJO class object

1. Singleton (bydefault)
2. Prototype - for each request creates new object.
for Prototype approach we need to change the xml file:

Case 1 - If you are using default DTD: then
<bean singleton="true">

Case 2 - If you are using 2.0 or above DTD then
<bean scope="singleton or prototype">

xml files contains 5000 POJO class enteries:
BeanFactory class - User1 - 5 mins
User1 - 5 mins.

ApplicationContext 5000 class object will create at deployment time


Access attributes in component

NOTE: To access an attribute in a  component , use expressions as  {! v.<Attribute Name>} . ----------------------------------------...